Monday, January 19, 2009

My half numb toe

Recently started to exercise, been playing badminton for weeks and basketball for the 1st time last week.

I miss my secondary school time where playing sports game was a daily basis for me and my friends. But after going to university and started to work, i hardly exercise until couple of months back when my housemate ask me to go play badminton and from then i'm starting to play more often. Really have to thank him for that. Hmm, should i?? Nah!!! XD

Playing sports game is fun but getting injured sure is not. One of recent "coolest" injuries happened to my
housemate while he was playing basketball. My friend benny made a video of highlight of their game and eventually capture how my housemate injured himself at video. The scene where my housemate injured himself is near the end of the video.

I also get myself injured while playing badminton 2 weeks ago. I got bruise on my toe and i didn't kick anything nor hit by anything. I feel paint when i use my finger to press my toe -____- and i even felt numb on my toe. It had bother me for more than 1 week and is not getting better. Well i think i cant blame anyone but me because i did not apply any medicine or ways to make 'him' better, i just leave him like that and hoping that he will cure himself , duh....

As you can see, the toe on the right is darker than the left 1 -___-

A random picture of me in the office this morning showing a bore face.


Anonymous said...

gain muscle !!!! your new year resolution dun forget !! haha

body stronger will not get injure easier ...

p.s. : hard to imagine yr face with muscular body wo...kakaka

KY Yap said...

lol, since when my resolution is to gain muscle wor...gain muscle is your resolution le....

Anonymous said...

oh ? ya ar ? ha hah ah ah

coz u told me u wanna gain muscle too ma ....

KY Yap said...

shhhh, it suppose to be a secret d le XD